Completing thievery training will gran the Misdirection perk, increasing the PC's dodge chance while wearing the Red Bodysuit. Learning Thievery increases Intelligence, but decreases Strength and Toughness. This perk will make the Jeweled Rapier from the Deep Cave the most powerful weapon in the game. Regardless, he will leave the PC his weapon, a Vulpine Rapier, and the PC will gain Rapier Skill (Out of 4): 4 under their stats, complementing the power of any rapiers the Champion uses. Eventually, at the end of the training session, the PC will have the choice to have sex with him, or spurn him. Learning Fencing increases Speed, but decreases Strength.

While on the date, the PC can choose to train Fencing or Thievery. As his interest in the Champion develops, her will offer to go on a date with her. If the Champion goes to sleep wearing the Red Bodysuit while meeting Raphael's physical standards, he will visit during the night. If the PC doesn't anger him, he will take an interest in her and give her a Red Bodysuit, which must be worn for all later encounters, and a Ruby Pendant, which doesn't appear in the inventory, but is referenced in many scenes involving him. The PC can choose to frisk him for the gems, slap him, or swoon over him. Raphael will first visit the Champion's camp trying to steal items from her chest, awakening her.